The 12th Los Angeles Conference on Magic History by Dustin Stinett
Greg Frewin: Working Magician by Nickle Van Wormer
Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman
On the Slant by Jon Racherbaumer
Now Performing
The Genii Session Every Artist is a Professor by Roberto Giobbi
The Chamber of Secrets Antonio Diavolo by John Gaughan
Magicana by David Acer
Chosen One by Luis Otero
Schrödinger’s Coin by Pete McCabe
Angle-Pivot Card to Case by Luis Otero
Easy Come by David Neighbors
Rest of the M-E-S! by Harry Lorayne
Light from the Lamp
Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
Pure Smoke by Jason Brumbalow
Any Signed Card to Any Spectator’s Wallet by Jeff Kaylor and Michael Ammar
Miracle Signed Card in Envelope by Roger Curzon
Sweet! by Diamond Jim Tyler
Miracle Monte by Wolfgang Moser
Stand Up Monte by Garrett Thomas
Vertigo by Rick Lax
Aqua Imp by Ben Harris
Ink by Mickael Chatelain
iContact by Chris Congreave
Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
EMC 2011 by Various Performers/Speakers
The Magic Square by Luis de Matos
Pop-Coin by David Ethan
Blood on the Tricks: Volume One by Roger Curzon
Live … Without a Net by Richard Osterlind
Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss
Maelstrom by Tom Stone
Hold ‘Em Magic by Tom Frame
The Nazi Séance: The Strange Story of the Jewish Psychic in Hitler’s Circle by Arthur J. Magida
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