Atlas Brookings
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The Intrepid Rogue's Manual Of Deception (soft cover) by Atlas Brookings - Trick
The Intrepid Rogue's Manual of Deception is a new book by performing mentalist Atlas Brookings, and represents his first major work since Train Tracking. This book is full of helpful advice and brilliant effects to improve your magic. The Manual of Deception is 224 pages long and comprises 8...
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The Prodigal by Atlas Brookings - Book
Most of us have seen those shows on television where someone takes something to a flea market or rummage sale, only to have an expert with a trained eye come along and see through all the age, dust and patina that comes with neglect to discover a hidden gem -- a priceless and coveted item. All too...
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The Prodigal by Atlas Brookings - eBook DOWNLOAD
"Seriously, this is underpriced...A vast amount of theory and applicable content is squeezed into this... After I get it all integrated, this is going straight into my naked repertoire... This has a huge amount of information to digest, but it's 100% workable, and Atlas has brought many,...
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The Real Thing by Atlas Brookings eBook DOWNLOAD
When this routine was first released in the Pyscrets publication 'Liber Mentis', it created a lot of buzz. It offered a means of performing both a lie detector type routine as well as an incredibly clean and direct mind read, devoid of any standard form of method. At the time, the text was...
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