There weren't as many magic books available back in 1978 as there are now. But one thing was the same then as it is now - there weren't/aren't many magic books published that contained/contain really great stuff. Wonderful stuff! Usable stuff!
"When Ken Krenzel performed the material in this book for me I knew then and there how good it was, and what a great contribution it'd be to the art I love - card magic. It took all my persuasive powers to get Ken to agree to let me write, teach and publish all the material he'd performed for me. I'm so glad that he finally did agree. What an awful loss it would have been to anyone who does, or wants to do, card magic, to the magic fraternity, if I hadn't persuaded him, if he hadn't agreed.
Yes, it was some time back. And if anything can be said to have stood the test of time, passed the test of time, it can be said of the ideas, effects, routines, in this book. They are as fresh and stimulating, as clean and precise, as intriguing and clever, as exhilarating and important, today as they were then, and have been through the years. And, you'll fool (and entertain) magicians and laymen with them now just as you could have done, or did, back then.Over eighty items broken down into nine exciting sections. I've heard and read, many times, that there is no better handling and description of the Classic Pass than there is in Section Seven of this book. Along with eleven other passes, including the Mechanical Reverse, which has become a standard of card handling, The K-E Pass (beautiful, and so easy to do), The One-Card Middle Pass, The Dribble Pass, and more. The Eerie Spin-Out which, if you'll forgive a rusty platitude, is worth the price of the book even if you paid five times the established price. As I say in my Last Word, you'll use it for the rest of your life; there's no way you can put a price on it. You'll find easy-to-do sleights like The Natural Double Lift, The Pressure Hideout, The Invisible Reverse Transfer. The One-Card Double Lift is an exquisite fooler. So is The Optical Sandwich, The Miracle Multiple Peek and, oh - The Magic Bullet! There's One-Hand Stop - the spectator 'stops'at his own card, The Impromptu Haunted Deck and The Front Tilt - and Force-Eps, The Fan Steal, The Squeeze Steal, The Broadside Steal. Do you like to practice? Well, Section Eight includes Bottom, Center, and Second Deals - Ken's handling, my teaching (if that means anything to you). I've added my two or three cents with an idea or two of my own and with my inevitable Afterthoughts. I could go on and on, but I won't. I've had so many calls, requests, for this book through the years, but it wasn't available. Aren't you lucky - it is now!" - Louis Falanga
Hardcover, full-color dust jacket, 256 pages.