Widely known for his seemingly cavalier and carefree style, Legendary magician Dani DaOrtiz shares his three-part collection of "weapons" for the first time ever. Not only will you learn some fantastic tricks, but more importantly, he'll teach all of his subtleties and techniques that take his magic to a whole different plane. Each idea in his "weapons" collection has countless applications and will provide never ending ammo for your magic repertoire.
In Dani's Weapons, you'll receive a 3-part masterclass in psychology and magic methodology that includes effects that you can immediately load into your holsters, but more importantly, Dani dives deep into the fundamental aspects that make his style of magic possible.
In part 1 you'll learn
Happenstance, which allows a spectator to choose any card and lose it back into the deck, and only they will have the ability to find it. Another spectator could cut the deck, but will of course fail to find the chosen card. The magician could also try their hand, but they too would fail. In the end it is only the selector who holds the ability to find their selection. Is this fate, or merely just happenstance? Once you learn the principle behind the method, Dani explains how to apply it to perform the easiest peeks, controls, or forces that you could ever imagine.
In part 2 you'll learn
refACE. This weapon is all about productions! Here Dani shares his techniques on producing cards from a borrowed deck, 4-of-a-kind thought of cards, or even selections. As you can imagine, the utility on having this in your repertoire will instantly elevate your card magic to the next level. Dani supplies you with different versions of his productions that covers the range from self-working to sleight of hand, so no matter what your experience level, you will find something new to add to your arsenal.
In part 3 you'll learn
Echo, where Dani DaOrtiz finally exposes one of his most closely guarded secrets. In
Echo, Dani masterfully hacks a simple psychological premise to create moments of pure delight. Imagine everything you could get away with by simply bringing a duplicate of the spectator's card into play. You could perform an ambitious card where the spectator can literally watch as their selection is pushed into the deck. Or you could even perform the worlds easiest T&R where you really tear their card and use a duplicate to easily restore it. Now imagine being able to perform all these exact same miracles without ever needing a duplicate. In
Echo, Dani DaOrtiz reveals how to do just that.
Not only will you learn powerful new effects to add to your repertoire, but Dani delivers a masterclass in psychology that will make these routines look effortless. And once you've mastered his fundamental techniques, your magic will never be the same again. No matter what you will find something to add to your arsenal, whether you are a beginner or think you know all there is to know, Dani will surprise you with insights only a true master who has done it all can provide.
Joined by Javier Natera and Javier Fuenmayor, Dani goes in-depth for almost 3 hours in this three-part collection of weapons, and discover a new foundation for which to cultivate your magic repertoire for the next age of illusion.