Vanishing Inc.

Displaying 1 to 29 (of 29 Products)
(image for) Main Event: The Knockout Magic of Caleb Wiles - DVD

Main Event: The Knockout Magic of Caleb Wiles - DVD

Caleb Wiles is a creative force in card magic. Known for his diabolical methods and engaging presentations, Caleb's magic is defined by efficient methods. With a minimum of sleights, these tricks achieve maximum impact. This two-disc DVD set is jam-packed with the very best of Caleb's...

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(image for) Baffling Blocks (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Eric Leclerc - Trick

Baffling Blocks (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Eric Leclerc - Trick

Prepare to rethink what you knew about Paddle Tricks! Ever make a Paddle Trick from a kids' toy? Canadian TV Star and magician, Eric Leclerc, did! It's a great strolling magic trick that is fun to perform for kids and their families because, when you tell them you made your first magic...

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(image for) RD Regular Cube by Henry Harrius - Trick

RD Regular Cube by Henry Harrius - Trick

Rubik's lovers rejoice! The RD Regular Cube is here, and it's the first Rubik's Cube designed by magicians, especially for magicians. Ditch those more expensive and sometimes messy speed cubes. These cubes can be completely customized for your needs, and boast: - Silent movement -...

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(image for) Charming Chinese Challenge (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Troy Hooser - Trick

Charming Chinese Challenge (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Troy Hooser - Trick

Troy Hooser's signature coin effect has been a mainstay of some of the best magicians in the world for years. Now you can get your hands on this gorgeous, brand new edition. The Charming Chinese Challenge is unlike any other coin trick. No coins flying from hand to hand or changing into other...

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(image for) Scripting Magic Volume 1 by Pete McCabe - Book

Scripting Magic Volume 1 by Pete McCabe - Book

When Scripting Magic was first released in 2007, it was an immediate, surprise sensation. Magicians around the world, hungry for ways to improve their magic, were thrilled to have a volume dedicated to the vital question: what do you say when you perform? Written by Pete McCabe and including...

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(image for) Scripting Magic Volume 2 by Pete McCabe - Book

Scripting Magic Volume 2 by Pete McCabe - Book

This is the highly anticipated sequel to the smash success, Scripting Magic . Pete McCabe-with help from 25 of magic's best-digs deeper into the most powerful tool in magic: the words you say when you perform. This powerful book will show you how to get more out of the tricks you already do,...

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(image for) Invisible Triumph (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Jim Krenz - Trick

Invisible Triumph (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Jim Krenz - Trick

What Jim Krenz has created is not only a Triumph effect, but a Triumph of method. Its ingenuity and craftiness will astound not only spectators, but you as well when you see it in action. You will see cards intentionally and fairly mixed face up and face down. The spectator can square the mixed...

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(image for) Secrets by Anthony Owen - Book

Secrets by Anthony Owen - Book

Magician, mentalist, producer - Anthony Owen is a creative force to be reckoned with. Whether in television, mentalism, or the repertoires of his fellow magicians, his influence can be felt far and wide. Now he brings together a collection of his favorite " Secrets " from a lifetime of magic just...

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(image for) Moneymorphosis (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Dallas Fueston and Jason Bird - Trick

Moneymorphosis (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Dallas Fueston and Jason Bird - Trick

This is, quite simply, one of the most impactful, poetic effects Vanishing Inc. has ever produced. A borrowed bill self-animates and crawls up your arm like a caterpillar. Then, it transforms into an origami butterfly! The folded butterfly can be immediately handed back to the spectator as a...

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(image for) Marksman Deck (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Luke Jermay - Trick

Marksman Deck (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Luke Jermay - Trick

Magicians have used marked decks for centuries to fool even the most astute audiences. Luke Jermay's Marksman Deck builds on classic marking systems, with additional secret marks that open up a whole range of new tricks and possibilities. While the deck can be used for your own marked deck...

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(image for) Kung Fu Foot (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Héctor Mancha - Trick

Kung Fu Foot (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Héctor Mancha - Trick

How do you reveal a card onstage? It has to be something dynamic, physical, and memorable. Cue Kung Fu Foot ! Created and honed to perfection by FISM Grand Champion Héctor Mancha, this hilarious card revelation allows you to stab a card from midair... with your foot! Kung Fu Foot works with any...

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(image for) Pro Carrier Deluxe by Joshua Jay and Vanishing Inc. - Trick

Pro Carrier Deluxe by Joshua Jay and Vanishing Inc. - Trick

Way back in 2000, a very young Joshua Jay designed and released the Pro Carrier. It was the first of its kind, in a way: a quality leather case that held a pack of cards, coins, packet tricks, extra cards or items, and displayed your business card. It was and is a wildly popular item among working...

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(image for) The Touch by Robbie Moreland - DVD

The Touch by Robbie Moreland - DVD

There are only a handful of magicians in the world whose magic is truly extraordinary -- Robbie Moreland is amongst those rare few. Elegant, astounding and effortless. Robbie embodies everything that magic should be and on this DVD, you will learn his three signature routines, all taken directly...

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(image for) 52 Memories (Retrospective Edition) by Andi Gladwin and Jack Parker - Book

52 Memories (Retrospective Edition) by Andi Gladwin and Jack Parker - Book

"52 Memories is one of the most important magic books to be published in the last ten years." - Tomas Blomberg Many magic books can be trivialized. They are, after all, just a collection of tricks. But, 52 Memories is more than that; it is the legacy of one of the most promising card magic creators...

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(image for) My Silly Tricks by Hector Mancha - DVD

My Silly Tricks by Hector Mancha - DVD

Hector Mancha caused a sensation when he won the FISM Grand Prix, magic's highest honor. My Silly Tricks is his first and only commercial release. This wacky DVD teaches ten hilarious and eccentric effects from the personal repertoire. Each of the effects is visual in nature, and most of...

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(image for) $wap (DVD and Gimmick) by Nicholas Lawerence - DVD

$wap (DVD and Gimmick) by Nicholas Lawerence - DVD

"Swap" in three words: PRACTICAL, ORIGINAL, STUNNING. Nicholas Lawrence releases his "pet" pocket effect, which he does every day to amaze the people in his life. The effect is this: you reach into your pocket and remove a dollar bill and clearly show it. Now you VISUALLY move...

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(image for) Triad Coins (US Gimmick and Online Video Instructions) by Joshua Jay and Vanishing Inc. - Trick

Triad Coins (US Gimmick and Online Video Instructions) by Joshua Jay and Vanishing Inc. - Trick

Imagine what it would look like if you could REALLY vanish coins into thin air. Then watch this trailer. THIS is how it would look. No funny moves. No fast motion. No camera edits. You roll back your sleeves. You show three coins. One by one, they just... disappear. Triad Coins is a revelation in...

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(image for) Blomberg Laboratories by Andi Gladwin and Vanishing Inc. - Book

Blomberg Laboratories by Andi Gladwin and Vanishing Inc. - Book

"Blomberg Laboratories is not as good as I had hoped it would be ... it's even better." - Michael Weber Sweden's Tomas Blomberg is not like other magicians. He combines his background in mathematics, physics, and puzzles to create a style of magic that is uniquely his own. Many expert magicians...

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(image for) Center Stage (2 DVD Set) by John Guastaferro - DVD

Center Stage (2 DVD Set) by John Guastaferro - DVD

John Guastaferro has emerged as one of magic's most elegant performers, as well as one of the art's most versatile creators. Both the elegance and versatility are on full display on Center Stage, John's first DVD collection in many years. Whether you are a longtime fan of John...

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(image for) Phantom Deck by Joshua Jay and Vanishing, Inc. - Trick

Phantom Deck by Joshua Jay and Vanishing, Inc. - Trick

Imagine at the end of your close-up performance, you cause every card in the deck to turn TOTALLY the SPECTATOR'S HANDS! This is one of the strongest closing effects possible with a deck of cards. You can do it anywhere, standing, no table required, and it resets instantly....

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(image for) Roughing Sticks by Harry Robson and Vanishing Inc. - Trick

Roughing Sticks by Harry Robson and Vanishing Inc. - Trick

Thirty years of research from Harry Robson has led to the exact formula of what we now present: the Roughing Stick . This is a stick of a hard substance and what it does is simply incredible. When you rub the surface of the stick against a card, it will act as roughing fluid does, only better. The...

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(image for) Calculated Chaos by Chris Westfall and Vanishing Inc. - Book

Calculated Chaos by Chris Westfall and Vanishing Inc. - Book

When working professionals pour their hearts into their magic, we take notice. Chris Westfall is one of the best and busiest magicians in the Toronto area, and he has written a booklet detailing all his favorite original routines, as well as essays on the theory behind his magic. The advice alone...

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(image for) 3 Secrets by Ken Niinuma and Vanishing, Inc. - DVD

3 Secrets by Ken Niinuma and Vanishing, Inc. - DVD

Ken Niinuma is not a household name in the west, but he has quietly amassed a very, very impressive arsenal of original, easy card magic. Joshua Jay "discovered" Ken on a trip to Japan nearly a decade ago, and we have worked with him on his first-ever DVD collection, which is available...

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(image for) Confident Deceptions by Jason Ladanye and Vanishing Inc (Book) - Book

Confident Deceptions by Jason Ladanye and Vanishing Inc (Book) - Book

Confident Deceptions is the masterful debut book from Jason Ladanye, a star student of Darwin Ortiz. Featuring a potent blend of magic and gambling demonstrations, Confident Deceptions showcases Jason's unparalleled ability to carefully refine a routine until it achieves maximum impact. In total,...

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(image for) Completing the Cut by Ryan Schultz and Vanishing Inc. - DVD

Completing the Cut by Ryan Schultz and Vanishing Inc. - DVD

Ryan Schlutz is turning heads with his creative, thoughtful brand of card magic. We are pleased Ryan has worked with us on his first DVD collection, Completing the Cut. This DVD is full of deeply mysterious card effects that will amaze audiences, and utterly baffle even seasoned magicians. For...

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(image for) Blank Night (Yellow) by John Archer - Trick

Blank Night (Yellow) by John Archer - Trick

Penn and Teller's hit show Fool Us had a simple premise: perform an effect that the duo couldn't figure out. Only two magicians fooled Penn & Teller in the initial show, and one of those was John Archer. He did so with a smart, simple routine called "Blank Night," and Vanishing Inc. Magic is...

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(image for) Blank Night (Blue) by John Archer - Trick

Blank Night (Blue) by John Archer - Trick

Penn and Teller's hit show Fool Us had a simple premise: perform an effect that the duo couldn't figure out. Only two magicians fooled Penn & Teller in the initial show, and one of those was John Archer. He did so with a smart, simple routine called "Blank Night," and Vanishing Inc. Magic is...

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(image for) Bizness by Bizau and Vanishing Inc. - DVD

Bizness by Bizau and Vanishing Inc. - DVD

In this debut collection from Romania's foremost card-star, Bizau (Biz, for short) spills ALL the secrets that have made him an internet sensation and a coveted lecture name across Europe. Fresh off his first lecture-tour, Biz presents his first studio-shot DVD that tips all his quirky card...

$24.95 Now: $23.70
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(image for) [MINOR DENT ON COVER] Confident Deceptions by Jason Ladanye and Vanishing Inc (Book) - Book

[MINOR DENT ON COVER] Confident Deceptions by Jason Ladanye and Vanishing Inc (Book) - Book

STORE NOTE : The bottom corner of the book has a very minor dent, and the book is not wrapped in cellophane (see Additional Photos).   Other than that, this is a completely brand new item at a fantastic price. Since we don't want to sell this item at full price because of the unwrapped...

$60.00 $48.50
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Displaying 1 to 29 (of 29 Products)